N O R T H W E S T E R N    U N I V E R S I T Y    P A R A C O M B A T I V E S    J U - J U T S U 

This list of links is still growing. Please submit suggestions for new links to webmaster@ParaCombatives.org .

  Northwestern University
  Miyama Ryu: official web site for D'Arcy Rahming's Combat Ju-Jutsu school
  Combat Arts Institute: martial arts club led by NU Ju-Jutsu vets Don Coz and John Martin
General Martial Arts
  Gallowglass Academy: offers short classes and seminars in self-defense, swordfighting and more
Local Clubs
  Tohkon Judo Club: one of the nation's top Judo clubs, located on Chicago's North side
Northwestern University Aikido Club
Northwestern University Karate Club